ERDF National Evaluation Survey
BMG Research has been commissioned by MHCLG to complete a phone beneficiary survey which will inform part of the national evaluation of the 2014-20 ERDF Programme. This means that beneficiaries of the Business Energy Efficiency programme may be receiving a phone call during the next few weeks about taking part in the survey.
This work is vital for collecting data on the outcomes and impact of the funding for individual beneficiaries. The more survey responses received, the more rigorous the conclusions will be on the success of the programme.
This evaluation will in turn provide a strong evidence base for developing successor funding programmes, such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, and will also inform plans for economic recovery following COVID-19.
It is important therefore that this research is continued despite current difficulties. However, if a client is experiencing hardship due to the crisis and is therefore unable to participate in the research, they will be asked if they would consider participating in the survey at a later date when they are better able to do so. Ultimately, whether they wish to delay participation, or opt out entirely, it is their decision.
Beneficiaries previously agreed to having their data shared, and being contacted, for the purposes of auditing and evaluation, as explained in the privacy notice provided by the BEECP project. This privacy notice would have explained the legal basis for processing their data and how their data will be stored and used. Please rest assured that your data is protected under the MHCLG GDPR privacy notice which covers all project data, and BMG is contracted under these conditions.